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Hannah Lee Hoffman 

researching how we can share space in ways that expand our sense of self

a holding space


A compilation of images and video from three separate but connected art installations in Northern California in 2022: Moving and Held at the Same Time at the Creative Sanctuary; the holding space at the Arcata Playhouse for the Zero to Fierce Festival; and, the Holding Space at Outer Roominations Art Festival. Exploring the feeling of holding space gently.

God ~ Sun ~ Head


Snippets from a Summer Solstice performance by the Womyn in White; June 21, 2023; Celo, North Carolina

HoneyLa Spring


A compilation of experiences orchestrated by the HoneyLa Hive in Spring of 2018, including the Waking Up performance and cabaret, unpacking donations of art supplies, kids art time, flyers, sculptures, a macrame badminton net birthday party, crystal meditations, and more.  

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